Governor’s Energy Plan Diversifies Energy Generation, Avoids One-Fuel Dependence…
Key Hearing Takeaways
-- Meets 3-Part Energy Policy Test: House Bill 2277 meets Governor's three-part test for energy policy: it must protect and create energy jobs, take real action to address climate change, and ensure reliable, affordable power for consumers in the long term
-- Investors Support Renewables: The PJM Interconnection queue is showing us where investors are headed-- 97.8% are renewable or energy storage projects-- we need to skate to where the puck will be in the energy market.
-- Grid Is OK Now, But: PJM regional grid is in an excellent position now, but generation is coming off the grid as we're seeing that demand increase.
-- One Fuel Dependence Leads To Grid Vulnerability: Over-reliance on one or two sources of power makes it easier to topple the electric grid-- 59% of PA electric generation is now fueled by natural gas-- the PRESS proposal would support 21.
-- Paid Price For Inaction: We have already paid a price for inaction as a result of our over-dependence on natural gas when price spikes caused by geopolitical upsets in the world energy markets increased power costs 40% to 60% in Pennsylvania.
-- 40 GW Of Renewables OK’d Not Built: PJM has already approved 40 GW of renewable energy generation that has not yet been built.
-- Onsite Solar Generates More Jobs: Building onsite solar offers the largest opportunity to grow jobs compared to larger centralized energy generation.
-- Winning The Clean Energy Transition: Pennsylvania cannot avoid the clean energy transition, but we can win it-- this is a critical moment to recognize that we need energy, but we also need to pair it with the goals of reducing emissions, creating jobs, reducing consumer impact.
-- Cautions: Pennsylvania is America’s number one exporter of electricity, second largest producer of natural gas, and third largest producer of coal. This proposal would upend competitive markets on Pennsylvania-generated electricity, is an insult to consumers and a death wish for our economy.